Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blog instruction

I made this blog as easy to navigate as possible but with this instruction, you'll be the master of navigation! So please spend little time to read this instruction :)

1. Categorized menu 

So it's simple and easy, everything in this blog is categorized into different categories listed on right section of the blog. Here are the names and information of blog categories:

HOME - Back to main page of blog
News - Museum news and notices, anything new at TEM
Events - Trick Eye Museum events and lucky winner announcements
TEM in TV - Video clips which shows TEM featured in any form of media
TEM STARS - Celebrities who visited TEM
TEM Friends - Visitors of TEM all over the world! Postings on once a week basis
Amazing Art - Arts and artists that 'tricks' your eye
Around TEM - Places around TEM, you can plan out your trip with this information
TREND NOW - Things are in trend from Korea; it will cover various subjects
Museum Diary - Haven't post anything yet, but it will be basically my diary regarding TEM

2. TEM family sites

You may notice drop-down box under categorized menu. You can navigate to our official website (Seoul - Hongdae) and its branches (Busan, Jeju, Singapore, Hong Kong, Jinan). Also family websites of Ice and Love Museum located in same building of TEM Seoul, and Greek Mythology Museum located in TEM Jeju!

3. TEM SNS (Social Network Service)

Other than this blog, we also have different SNS that you can enjoy. You can click the little icons under TEM Family Site drop-box and it directs you to the SNS. Each of our SNS uses different language, so please check it and visit the language you prefer: 

Facebook - English, Korean
Instagram - English
Twitter - Thai, Korean, English
Naver blog - Korean
WeChat - Chinese
Weibo - Chinese

Also the last icon is TripAdvisor! Check out our ratings among all other attractions!


This is pretty much all about this blog, and time to time I'll add the categories to deliver more information. So if there is any subject you would like to see it from this blog for long term, please comment it below! I'll examine them and start to have post on that subject if it's appropriate. 

Have great blogging from Trick Eye Museum blog!

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